Thermal operating conditions of the hybrid photomodule with any expense of the heat carrier




hybrid solar collector, PVT collector, temperature condition, variable expense of the heat carrier


Thermal operating conditions of the photomodule considerably define production efficiency of the electric power. Introduction to the photomodule of the device of forced cooling allows to operate the thermal mode. The choice of a way of management of process of cooling and the mode of its realization gives the chance of achievement of a rational combination of electric and thermal performance of the photomodule. In this work analytical researches formation of the temperature field of an absorber of a hybrid solar collector (PVT) when cooling with a variable expense of the heat carrier are conducted. The method of a research allows to analyze characteristics of the PVT collector – temperature of heating of an absorber and cooling liquid depending on external and regime operating conditions of the device. The work purpose – development of a method of calculation of heattechnical operational characteristics of work of a hybrid solar collector in various conditions determined by an expense of the cooling heat carrier. The complex mathematical model of the local analysis of processes of heat exchange of a hybrid solar collector for real conditions of a dynamic solar and climatic situation is used. The analysis of heat exchange in alternative conditions showed that efficiency of transfer of heat in the cooling system of the collector ηТ, otherwise - the ratio of temperature of an absorber and final temperature of the heat carrier, is not a constant and considerably changes under the influence of external and internal factors. It is influenced by intensity of insolation, ambient temperature and an expense of the heat carrier.With growth of these parameters ηТ decreases. The generalizing dependences for determination of temperature of liquid at the exit from the device and the average temperature of an absorber are received at change of an expense of the heat carrier which can be used for assessment of efficiency of transformation of solar energy in electric and thermal in problems of constructive and regime optimization.


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Author Biography

Viktor V. Wysochin, Odessа Polytechnic National University

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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How to Cite

Wysochin, V.V., Nikulshin, V.R. and Denysova А.Е. 2022. Thermal operating conditions of the hybrid photomodule with any expense of the heat carrier. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(65) (Feb. 2022), 56–61. DOI: