The method of determining the composition of hydrocarbon fuel by the ratio of fuel and air consumption and temperature of combustion products




hydrocarbon fuel, combustion, direct problem, library method, number of square matrix conditionality


The use of extreme regulators has a common disadvantage, which depends on the type of extreme characteristic. When approaching the extremum point, the gradient of the measured parameter with the accepted computational error decreases to zero. This happens both for the case of determining the maximum temperature during combustion and for determining the maximum temperature of the coolant. In some cases, it is possible to organize management processes that do not have extreme characteristics but are only calculated in nature. The purpose of the scientific study is to develop a method for determining the composition of hydrocarbon fuel by the ratio of fuel and air consumption and temperature of combustion products. The scientific and practical significance of the work lies in the definition of the general type of problem, as inversely incorrectly assigned and distinguished its narrower class - a difficult task of interpretation. The method of filling the library with direct problem solvers in the form of a working three-dimensional array is developed. For this purpose, we propose a method of converting the output of a direct problem into a convolution number that is formed on the basis of the positional principle of writing decimal numbers. The research methodology is based on the solution method (the Newton-Raphson method), the square matrix conditionality, and the library method for solving the inverse problem. The main result of the proposed method in determining the composition of the fuel allowed for the substances (methane, propane, ethyl alcohol) can be considered to be the exact solution within the model. The practical value of the study is that it shows that there are no errors that are contributed to the solution by the algorithm of the proposed method. The calculation errors are only due to the discretization of the source data when solving a direct problem. The influence of measurement accuracy of technologi


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Author Biography

Oleksandr Brunetkin, Odessа Polytechnic National University

Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite

Butenko, O., Demydenko, V. and Brunetkin, O. 2019. The method of determining the composition of hydrocarbon fuel by the ratio of fuel and air consumption and temperature of combustion products. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(58) (Sep. 2019), 51–59. DOI:

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