Measurement problems in integrated technologies of functional management of complex systems




functional control, measurement levels, integrated technologies, organizational and technical complex systems


Management is a purposeful influence on the system in order to stabilize or change in accordance with the objectives. From this follows the fact that any management must be constantly accompanied by measurement: both in the calculation and implementation of the impact, and in the registration and evaluation of changes that occur. Thus, all parameters of the system, both those that change (managed) and those that change (manage), must comply with some established rules and laws of measurement theory, first of all, methods of measuring physical quantities, methods of accounting for measurement errors and existing measuring instruments. In the theory of automatic control, which is based on complex mathematical models and methods, most often, we are talking about control with only one variable, the emergence of even the second causes such logical and computational difficulties that require approaches at the level of creative thinking and invention. At the same time, there are complex technical and organizational systems that require management by changing not only a large number of parameters, but also, sometimes, and their combinations, or some functionalities. In computer science, a functional is synonymous with a higher-order function, that is, a function whose arguments are several other functions or one that returns another function as a result. Functional control in addition to all the mathematical and hardware control problems in general, creates additional problems related to finding the most adequate functionalities and ensuring the accuracy and reliability of their measurement. To do this, new methods are proposed to find the effect of individual control parameters and functionalities on the control object. In particular, such methods include methods of technical and economic titration, operational conversion of measurement results, etc.


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How to Cite

Oborsky, G.A., Stanovskyi, O.L., Prokopovich, I., Zabarnaya, E. and Shvets, P.S. 2021. Measurement problems in integrated technologies of functional management of complex systems. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(64) (Nov. 2021), 61–70. DOI:



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