Factors of the pvt-collector efficiency formation





hybrid solar -collector, PVT-collector, temperature regime, heat-transfer agent charge


Factors of the PVT-collector efficiency formation. Analytical researches of a hybrid solar collecting channel (PVT) are conducted by manufacture electric and thermal energy. The method of researches allows to analyse the following PVT-collector characteristics : a reheat temperature of an absorber and chilling liquid, as well as productivity depending on external and regime working conditions of the device. The work purpose is to work out of a method of calculation of opeating characteristics and definition of rational operating conditions of work of a hybrid solar collecting channel taking into account effective productivity. The complex mathematical model of the local analysis of processes of heat exchange and electrogeneration of a hybrid solar collecting channel for real conditions of a dynamic solar and climatic situation is used. The carried out analysis of heat exchange in alternative conditions showed that efficiency of a heat transport in a collecting channel integral cooling system ηT (a relationship of temperature of an absorber and final temperature of heat-transfer agent) is not a constant and considerably changes under the external and internal factors. It is influenced by intensity of insolation and the heat-transfer agent charge. With growth of these parametres ηT decreases. Existing dependence of electric power of a photo cell on the charge of a chilling liquid is characterised by presence of two expressed sections which are discriminated by rate of a variation of a function. The first of them, with low flux level of a liquid, differs considerable agency of functional parametres. The second one at high intensity differs asymptotic stabilisation of power. The limit values of the transition of the rate of decrease of the function correspond to the fluid flow rate of 0.08…0.085 l/(m2s). These values can be accepted for rationalisation of a refrigerating duty of the photobattery. Generalized dependences for determining the temperature of the liquid at the outlet of the device and the average temperature of the absorber are obtained. These dependences can be used to evaluate the efficiency of conversion of solar energy into electrical and thermal energy in regime optimization problems.


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Author Biography

Vladimir Ruslanovich Nikulshin, Odessа Polytechnic National University

1998- Was given the rank of an Academician, certificate of Academician of International Academy of Refrigeration ( Odessa Branch- Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration ).
1992 - Was given the rank of a Professor, certificate of a  professor  at the Fundamentals of Heat technology department (Odessa State  Polytechnical University )
1989 - Proved the thesis for the Doctor of Science on the    theory  and methods of thermodynamic analysis and optimization of power technology systems on graphs  ( specialities:  fundamentals of heat technology and control in technical systems). Diploma of a Doctor of Science (Engineering) – Institute of Machine Building Ukrainian National Academy of Science, city Kharkov.
1987 - Was given the rank of an Associate Professor. Certificate of  an associate professor at the Fundamentals of Heat technology department (Odessa State  Polytechnical University ).
1981 - Proved the thesis for the Candidate of Science degree on mathematical modeling and optimizing heat exchanging systems ( speciality: technical cybernetics and theory of  information). Diploma of a Candidate of Science (Engineering), Kharkov Institute of Radio-electronics.
1975 - Engineer in the speciality of "Industrial heat-power engineering". Diploma with distinction (Odessa State  Polytechnical University ).

Career/Employment (employers, positions and dates):
1995 - present. Professor and Head of   Theoretical General and Nonconventional Power Engineering Department of
Odessa National Polytechnic University
Subjects: technical thermodynamics, heat-and-mass transfer, heat processes in technical systems. Teaching duties:  lectures, practices and laboratories for undergraduates and post-graduate students as part of the Graduate Diploma in Engineering Programs.
1991-1995   Professor, 1985-1990   Associate Professor , 1984-1985   Senior lecturer of Fundamentals of Heat technology department. Subjects and teaching duties: the same.
1980-1984   Lecturer of the Industrial heat technology department of the Odessa Polytechnical Institute.
Subjects: heat using installations, industrial furnaces, dryers, steam generators, heat-and-gas supply, air-conditioning at industrial enterprises. Teaching duties are the same  without lectures.
1980    Research worker of Industrial heat technology department.

Specialization (specify)
(i)    main field:
Thermodynamic analyzes and optimization of energy intensive systems
(ii)    other fields:
Application theory of graphs in systems investigation
(iii)    current research interest:
Developing energy save and ecology safe technology based on thermodynamic analyzes  of energy intensive systems on graphs.  

Education and additional study.
2008NATO ARW "Water treatment technologies for the removal of high toxicity pollutants”, Kosice, Slovakia.
2008NATO ARW "Properties and applications of thermo electrical materials”, Hvar, Croatia.
2007 NATO ARW " Advanced Technologies and Methodologies for Risk Management in Global Transport of Dangerous Goods", Genoa, Italy.
2007 NATO ASI  "Evolution from Cellular to Social Scales", Geilo, Norway.
2006 NATO ARW "Solar desalination in 21-st Century", Hammamet, Tunisia.
2005 NATO ASI  "Thermal Energy Storage for Sustainable Energy Consumption", Cesme, Turkey.
2004 International Summer School "Computational and experimental simulation of combustion & multiphase flows  in advanced energy systems", Kirkpinar, Turkey
2004 International Summer School "Thermodynamic Optimization and Constructal Design ", Istanbul, Turkey
2003 NATO ASI  "Emerging technologies and techniques in porous media", Neptun, Rominia.
2001 “Solar Study Tour” Berlin, Germany.
2001 NATO ASI “Neural Networks for Instrumentation, Measurement and  Related Industrial Applications”, Crema, Italy.
2001 International Summer School “Heat transfer in porous media”, Neptun, Romania.
1998 NATO ASI “Thermodynamic optimization of Complex Energy Systems”, Neptun, Romania
1986 Courses of computer engineering at the Odessa Polytechnic Institute. Certificate of training for the work on computers of IBM type.
1983 Seminar of pedagogical knowledge at the Odessa  Polytechnic Institute. Certificate of passing the theoretical and practical assignments on pedagogic.
1981 Refresher courses at the Moscow Power Engineering  Institute. Certificate in speciality of fundamentals of heat technology.
1975-1979   PhD student of the Industrial heat-power engineering -department.
1970-1975   The  Odessa Polytechnic Institute. Master of Science (Diploma with distinction) in the speciality of "Industrial heat-power engineering". Awarded with a badge "Excellent student of scientific society of the Odessa Polytechnic Institute".

Honors, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies:
- Academician of International Academy of Refrigeration  (Odessa, Ukrainian  Branch).
- Member of Scientific Board of International Centre of Applied Thermodynamic (European branch,  
  Istanbul, Turkey ).
-Member of Scientific Board of Pacific Centre for Thermal-Fluids Engineering  (Hawaii, USA).
-Member of Scientific Board of Ministry Education and Science of Ukraine in speciality “Thermal Science”  ( Kiev,  Ukraine).
- Associate Editor  of EXERGY-an International Journal (Paris, France).
- Associate Editor of International Journal of Refrigeration Technology  (Odessa ,Ukraine).
- Member of two Scientific Boards (Odessa National Polytechnic University) for the presentation of
Doctor of science degree theses in specialities:  05.14.06 –Technical Thermal-physics and Heat technology; 05.13.06 - Systems of Automatic Control and Modern Information Technologies;
Fundamentals of the theory and method are  published in 162 scientific papers, 6 monographs and 6 scientific and  technical reports. Published 32 papers on teaching and methods including 3 teaching aids.


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How to Cite

Wysochin, V.V., Nikulshin, V.R. and Denysova А.Е. 2021. Factors of the pvt-collector efficiency formation. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(63) (Mar. 2021), 53–59. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15276/opu.1.63.2021.06.