Structural analysis of the mechanism with a third-class structure group of the fourth order




mechanism, structural study, mechanism class, structural group of links


The technological equipment of light industry has always used and will use complex multi-tier flat mechanisms of the upper classes. It is connected with the complexity of the trajectories and laws of motion of the workers of the loop-forming organs of technological equipment. This would not have been possible without the flat structural groups of links exceeding the second class in the well-known theory of the structure of mechanisms according to Assur. The use of the latest technologies in production require from manufacturers of technological equipment such machines that use mechanisms with structural groups of links of the third, fourth and higher classes. Research methods of structural groups that are formed by four links and six kinematic pairs, forming structural units of the third class of the third order or the fourth class of the second order are quite well known today. A different situation is observed with structural groups formed by six links and nine kinematic pairs. Such structural groups of links are used subject to insufficient analysis. There are no generally accepted methods for studying such groups of links due to the complexity of their implementation. The aim of the work is to conduct a structural analysis of the mechanism with a structural group of links of the third class of the fourth order using the method in which the initial mechanism conditionally changes. This leads to the determination of such a sequence of research, for which a decrease in the class of the mechanism is observed with a simultaneous simplification of its further analysis. When conducting this study takes into account the presence of three leading links of the mechanism.


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Author Biographies

Sergey Koshel, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

PhD, Assoc. Prof.

Ganna Koshel, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

PhD, Assoc. Prof.


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How to Cite

Koshel, S. and Koshel, G. 2019. Structural analysis of the mechanism with a third-class structure group of the fourth order. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1, 1(57) (Apr. 2019), 29–33. DOI: