About effective use of wheels with intermittent work surface.





relative wear, working surface of the wheel, intermittent grinding, cutting protrusion


To lower thermal stress of process of grinding, it is possible by application of wheels with intermittent working surface. At the certain parity of
lengths of protrusions and cavities as well as at certain their quantities in elastic system of the machine tool the fluctuations of the big
amplitude. This leads to a deterioration of the geometric characteristics of the surface quality of the workpiece and increases the dimensional
wear of a discontinuous grinding wheel. The insufficient level of scrutiny of the reasons of occurrence of a resonance at grinding constrains
wide application of these wheels. The purpose of the work is to identify ways efficiently to use intermittent wheels, which ensures
continuous self-exacerbation of the cutting grains and their timely loss of bonding, while limiting the dimensional wear of the grinding tool.
It is established, that stable operation of elastic system of the machine tool, processing and effective removing of material can be provided by
work with intermittent wheels with the big number of cavities. The possibility of ensuring the equality of removals of the processed material
and the equality of linear wear of abrasive tools with continuous and intermittent grinding is revealed. It has been experimentally established
that in order to prevent the appearance of burns on the surfaces to be treated it is necessary to reduce the cutting depth or increase the number
of cavities on an intermittent wheels as the longitudinal feed increases. The curves of equal temperatures, separating the non-burning zone
from the burn-in zone, were calculated by experiment. It is established that with an increase in the transverse feed with intermittent grinding,
the area of the non-burning operation is shifted towards increasing the number of cutting protrusions on the working surface of the abrasive
tool. The results of the research can be used in the design of grinding wheels with a intermittent working surface and the assignment of the
parameters of the cutting regime with intermittent grinding.


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How to Cite

Uminsky, S., Yakimov, .O., Bovnegra, L., Klimenko, N. and Balan, V. 2018. About effective use of wheels with intermittent work surface. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(55) (Aug. 2018), 19–27. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15276/opu.2.55.2018.02.