Analysis of existing thermal-hydraulic analysis methodologies in the framework of resource extension of reactor pressure vessels




lifetime extension, reactor vessel, thermal hydraulic analysis, thermal shock, method


At the moment, Ukraine and a number of other countries are implementing a program to extend the
operation of nuclear power plants beyond the design period. This is economically advantageous, since the level of capital expenditures
required for this is much lower than with the construction of new power units. Special attention is paid to assessing the technical condition
and extending the operation of the reactor vessel, since the vessel is the most expensive and complex element in terms of manufacturing and
replacement. For this assessment, in particular for thermal analysis, in the world special techniques are applied. In this paper, we analyze the
main existing methods of thermal-hydraulic analysis used in Ukraine and the world, in order to determine their relevance in relation to the
specifics and current state of Ukrainian NPP units. Ways of optimizing thermal-hydraulic analysis are outlined, in particular, due to a
reasonable reduction in the number of considered scenarios. The scientific and practical value of this work lies in the fact that the identified
deficiencies in existing methods, taking into account practical experience, will allow developing a current methodology that will allow you to
focus on a deeper study of representative accident scenarios and will be applicable for the thermal-hydraulic analysis of Ukrainian NPPs,
taking into account the current domestic experience. The research methodology consists in the analysis of existing methods with an
appropriate assessment of their applicability and relevance for NPPs of Ukraine, as well as taking into account the practice of performing
thermal hydraulic analysis when extending the life of domestic NPPs. The study led to the conclusion that the practice of performing
thermal–hydraulic analysis in Ukraine is ahead of theoretical knowledge, international and domestic early experience. Thus, domestic
methods require updating and improvement and can be applied as part of work to extend the operation of Ukrainian NPPs for which the
relevant work has not yet begun, as well as when renewing.


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How to Cite

Mazurok, O. and Kravchenko, V. 2018. Analysis of existing thermal-hydraulic analysis methodologies in the framework of resource extension of reactor pressure vessels. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(56) (Dec. 2018), 39–47. DOI:

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