Standard conditions to define of the water cooling systems with mechanical-draft and chimneytype towers efficiency.




cooling tower systems (CTS), mechanical-draft and chimney-type towers, standard conditions, thermodynamic efficiency


Almost all the industrial enterprises include cooling tower systems (CTS), significantly affecting the overall
economic performance of production. According to regulatory documents, tests to determine the efficiency of a cooling tower system before
and after reconstruction should be carried out under similar weather conditions. However, the strong influence of weather conditions makes it
almost impossible. A lot of indicators that describe the efficiency of CTS is very difficult to determine in practice. The aim of the work is to
develop a method for calculating the efficiency of CTS with mechanical-draft and chimney-type cooling towers with standard operating
parameters. The concepts of these standard parameters are introduced for the first time: atmosphere pressure 100 kPa, project heat and
hydraulic loads, temperature 25 °С and relative air humidity 55 %. A formula has been developed for recalculating cold water temperature
(CWT) for standard conditions. The ideal thermodynamic cycle of CTS is considered. The efficiency of the cycle is calculated by using the
ratio of the range (hot water temperature minus CWT) to the CWT. For CTS with different cooling towers, the resulting range and CWT
should be determined. The CTS efficiency law for transpiration coolers is formulated: “The efficiency of a cooling tower systems with
mechanical-draft and chimney-type towers is determined by its thermodynamic efficiency, which is calculated under standard conditions”.


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How to Cite

Sosnovskii, S. and Kravchenko, V. 2018. Standard conditions to define of the water cooling systems with mechanical-draft and chimneytype towers efficiency. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(56) (Dec. 2018), 54–62. DOI:

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