Method and results of hydraulic calculation of the heat exchange surface of the once-through steam generator
once-through steam generator, hydraulic resistance, coefficient of resistance of friction, optimization of structural parametersAbstract
Ukraine with her developed machine-building potential can take the deserving place in the production of small modular reactors. One of basic elements of small modular reactors equipment is steam generator. Among different types a deserving place is occupied by once-through steam generator. small modular reactors can exemplify to transport nuclear installation, for example KLT-40S. The calculation of hydraulic resistance is included in designing of steam generators, that it is necessary for the choice of pumps and optimization of structural parameters. In the presented article methodology of hydraulic calculation of once-through steam generator is examined with the coiling surface of heating. As a result of analysis of literature formulas were selected for the calculation of hydraulic resistance for four modes of flow: transverse flow of the coolant over horizontal coils, movement in bent tubes of a single-phase working fluid, boiling water and superheated steam. Results over of calculation of steam generators are brought by power 45 МВт with different structural parameters: diameter of coils, horizontal and vertical pitches of coils location in a bunch, speed of feedwater and coolant. The got results were verified by comparing to data of calculation on the code of ASPEN-TECH. It was found out as a result of research that increase of diameter of coils, as well as the increase of pitches of coils location in a bunch does not reduce hydraulic resistances, as expected, but increases them as a result of worsening of heat exchange and, accordingly, increase of heat-exchange surface. The increase of speed of coolant results in the height of resistance on the side of coolant and does not influence on resistance of working body. The increase of speed of feedwater increases resistance on the side of working fluid and does not influence on resistance of coolant.
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