Performance characteristics of the lever-van shock absorber with the hinge-lever control mechanism




lever-paddle shock absorber, torsion bar suspension, control mechanism, working diagrams, performance characteristics


The article presents a fundamentally new example of a passive lever-blade shock absorber with an articulated lever mechanism for controlling its operating characteristic, the use of which is effective as part of the torsion bar suspension of a tracked vehicle. The efficiency of the presented device is significantly increased by scientifically substantiated expansion of its mechanical structure with an additional controlling mechanical structure in the form of a pivot-lever mechanism. The developed structural scheme and the corresponding generalized mathematical model of the proposed device are presented. Based on the developed generalized mathematical model, analytical studies have been carried out, on the basis of which mathematical expressions have been obtained that describe the functional interaction between the constituent elements of the proposed lever-blade damper and their influence on the type of working characteristics that is realized in this case. A comparative analysis of the obtained performance with the performance that can be implemented using existing lever-blade shock absorbers is carried out. It was found that the proposed device is able to realize working characteristics that cannot be realized using known samples of passive lever-blade and lever-piston shock absorbers. The basic geometric parameters of both the main mechanical structure of the proposed device and the additional mechanical control structure, the variation of which allows reproducing the target (needed under certain conditions) working characteristics, are highlighted and substantiated. The directions and prospects of further research are given, which make it possible to increase the efficiency of the lever-paddle shock absorber with the articulated-lever control mechanism.


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How to Cite

Sydorenko, I.I., Prokopovich, I., Dmitrieva, S., Korolkova, M. and Kovban, S. 2020. Performance characteristics of the lever-van shock absorber with the hinge-lever control mechanism. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 3(62) (Dec. 2020), 39–47. DOI:

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