Features and development prospects of the Odessa region in the energy system of Ukraine





energy resources, environmental friendliness, expert assessments, nuclear energy, energy security, Paris Agreement


In the modern world, energy is the basis of the development of basic industries, which determines the progress of public production. The growing need to use electricity poses problems in finding sources of its generation. The main problem of choosing sources of electricity production is the impact of energy on the environment. Many countries focus their energy development strategy on renewable energy sources (RES) (solar, wind, bio and others). However, due to their specificity, renewable energy sources cannot ensure the production of the required amount of electricity. The key problem of renewable energy sources is to ensure an uninterrupted supply of energy to end users. In the work, a comparative analysis of the state of the structure of energy resources and their availability in the southern region of Ukraine was carried out. The problem of ensuring energy and environmental security of the Odesa region in conditions of a shortage of traditional energy resources is considered. The current state and prospects of the use of renewable energy sources are considered. Using the method of expert evaluations to justify the choice of the type of acceptable energy source and increase the relative energy security of individual territories, the use of nuclear energy is substantiated. The prospects of placing new power units with the AP1000 reactor unit developed by the Westinghouse Electric Company on the territory of the former construction site of the Odesa Nuclear Thermal Power Plant (Teplodar) were considered. The technical characteristics of the AP 1000 project are given. The obtained results can be the basis of objective assessments regarding the prospects of using nuclear energy to increase the energy security of the Odesa region. The relevance of the work is determined by the importance of international cooperation in atomic energy, which is a strategically significant, innovation-intensive branch of the modern world economy in the conditions of development of the Odesa region.


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Author Biographies

Igor Kozlov, Odessа Polytechnic National University

DSc, Prof.

Viacheslav Kovalchuk, Odessа Polytechnic National University

PhD, Assoc. Prof.,


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How to Cite

Kozlov, I., Kovalchuk, V., Holovin, M. and Vistiak, S. 2023. Features and development prospects of the Odessa region in the energy system of Ukraine. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(68) (Dec. 2023), 51–56. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15276/opu.2.68.2023.06.

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