Efficiency of steam generators at nuclear power plants


  • Vyacheslav I. Kovalchuk Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Igor Kozlov Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Оlga Dorozh Odessа Polytechnic National University
  • Andrey А. Machkov Odessа Polytechnic National University




steam generators, operating modes, efficiency, efficiency criterion, OEE indicator (overall equipment effectiveness), efficiency evaluations


The possibility of a comprehensive assessment of steam generators efficiency at nuclear power plants with water-water reactors, based on the indicator of OEE (overall equipment effectiveness) is considered. It is proposed to consider efficiency as the probability of functioning from the standpoint of availability, performance and product quality.The aim of the work is to evaluate the possibility of using the OEE indicator to analyze the efficiency of NPP steam generators in complex conditions: reactor - steam generator - turbine. Achieving this goal will provide a comprehensive indicator of monitoring the efficiency of steam generating systems and have a tool for systematic monitoring of steam generators. To assess the organizational and environmental efficiency of the organizational structure, individual, group and integrated indicators are proposed, which reflect the share or decrease of the absolute indicator in the system compared to the baseline. The study is based on the analysis of long-term performance of units with steam generators PG-1000, which are comparable. It is shown that the main element of the steam generation system, which determines its efficiency, is the heat generating source. The contribution to the efficiency of all aspects of operation is estimated. It is shown that the efficiency index of OEE allows to characterize the efficiency of steam generators operation at nuclear power plants with water-water reactors, and can be used to monitor and control the process of their operation. In result of research, it is defined that steam generator efficiency increases in process of achievement of the maximum value of its productivity.


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How to Cite

Kovalchuk, V.I., Kozlov, I., Dorozh О. and Machkov A.А. 2021. Efficiency of steam generators at nuclear power plants. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(64) (Nov. 2021), 28–35. DOI:https://doi.org/10.15276/opu.2.64.2021.04.

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