Metrological support of design processes using the “big bang” information model




models of objects and design processes, optimization of subprojects, “Big Bang”, medical care


Even the simplest design work is performed, as a rule, by a design institution, which involves several designers of different qualifications. Therefore, practically, each design is divided into several design works (subprojects), which are performed sequentially and in parallel with the constant coordination of the impact of individual subprojects. Some elements are not designed in the general sense. Their results are transferred to the list of “purchased” elements and components (fasteners, standard components, etc.). Hence the problem of optimizing such elements with the designed parts and providing the opportunity to directly “buy” them. During the design of the designer there are various surprises or risks that can also significantly change the course and outcome of the design. Therefore, the design must take into account not only the constraints imposed by “internal” circumstances, which are usually unchanged, but also the variable “external” circumstances, which include: constraints arising from the changing operating conditions of the future design object; technological limitations related to the specific capabilities of the organization that will implement the project; financial constraints; time restrictions; etc. Depending on the degree of parallelization of individual design subprocesses, the overall process can be considered as sequential, partially parallel or parallel. Overlapping, these constraints create a unique and whimsical background, creating the preconditions for deepening optimization. Against this background, new models and design objects can be built, such as the cosmogonic model of the Big Bang. The model of the project space description is offered and the possibilities of the latter transformation during the optimization of the design process according to the information model of the “Big Bang” are estimated. The concept of “protomodel” as the first “edition” of multidimensional morphological information model of design process is created and analyzed. The Center for Reconstructive and Reconstructive Medicine conducted tests of the anti-crisis system of designing the optimal process of making design decisions in medical practice. Tests have shown that its use has achieved significant results in terms of quality of care.


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How to Cite

Oborsky, G.A., Stanovska, I.I., Prokopovich, I., Tonkonogy V.М. and Stanovskyi, O.L. 2022. Metrological support of design processes using the “big bang” information model. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(65) (Mar. 2022), 109–116. DOI:



Metrology, standardization and certification

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