Mathematical modeling of the mppt-controller for renewable energy sources on mosfet transistors




MPPT-controller, PID-regulator, solar panel, DC-DC converter, heat balance equation, linear transformer, Mosfet


This article discusses field tests and practical implementation of a low-voltage LED lighting system with renewable energy sources in an autonomous facility and the development of a model for optimal temperature control in an autonomous facility. The method of complex management of the power supply system using the Smart controller of the energy supply of the autonomous object is also considered. To implement the mathematical model, the Simulink and SimPowerSystems software for visual modeling included in the MatLab package was used. The use of this software allows you to simulate complex electrical systems. The advantage of using this program is the combination of methods of structural and simulation modeling, and this approach provides the flexibility of the system for the model being developed, greatly simplifies the model, and therefore increases the speed of calculations. When developing indoor temperature control systems, a number of problems arise, such as determining the time required the temperature to rise to provide the set values to the required moment, choosing the temperature control algorithm and determining the parameters of the selected algorithm. The task of choosing the control law and the type of controller is to choose such a controller, which at minimum cost and maximum reliability would provide the specified quality of regulation. In this article, the choice was made on the PID regulator, since with a jump-like change of the regulated value, the PID regulator at the initial moment of time has an infinitely large influence on the object of regulation. Then the magnitude of the influence drops sharply to the value determined by the proportional component, after which the integral component of the regulator begins to exert its influence constantly. The transient process in PID controllers has minimal deviations in amplitude and time compared to P and PI controllers (i.e., the highest speed).


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How to Cite

Lopakov, O., Kosmachevskiy, V., Babych, Y., Tigarev, V. and Babych, M. 2022. Mathematical modeling of the mppt-controller for renewable energy sources on mosfet transistors. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2 (66) (Nov. 2022), 82–95. DOI:



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