Simulation modeling of multiport DC-DC converter in MPPT solar battery controllers under neural network control.




multi-port DC converter, artificial neural network (ANN), rechargeable batteries (AB), pulse width modulation (PWM), solar panels (SP), MOSFET power keys


Photovoltaic generation system - energy system, designed to convert useful solar energy through photovoltaic systems. It can consist of several components, including a solar array, DC/DC and DC/AC semiconductor converter, battery, filter or transformer, control system (CS). Depending on the application, photovoltaic systems can be operated as part of a self-contained power plant or operate on a network. Thus, it is possible to distinguish several basic configurations of photovoltaic generation systems. The standalone generation system is the most common configuration of photovoltaic generation systems, which contains rechargeable batteries (AB). This system is completely independent of the centralized power supply networks and is suitable for comfortable energy supply to consumers. The use of AB makes it possible to increase the reliability of the photovoltaic system and to extend the possibilities of using e.g. battery power is used during insufficient light or when the load exceeds the generation of solar cells. The scope of such configurations are lighting systems of residential and non-residential objects, power supply of houses and buildings, security systems and emergency power supply, power supply of remote residential and non-residential objects, Power supply to spacecraft, etc. Autonomous generation systems typically contain two transducers. The DC/DC converter acts as a battery charge controller. The control system for such a transducer may include the function of tracking the maximum power point for the maximum use of solar energy. The excess energy will be stored in AB. The DC/AC converter converts the DC current energy into the AC energy of the required frequency and voltage. The advantage of such a system is the possibility of using solar energy, both during the day and at night, due to the power of AB and the possibility of using the system at remote sites where there is no grid power supply.  The disadvantage of such a system is the loss of double conversion of solar energy and the high cost of batteries. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) provides an alternative way to solve complex problems. A neural network, with the right structure, can compute the values of any continuous function with some predetermined accuracy. The neural network requires no knowledge of the internal parameters of the solar module, learns quickly, has the ability to optimize and approximate. Therefore, the use of INS to track the maximum power point is relevant and of practical and scientific importance.


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How to Cite

Tigariev, V., Lopakov, O. , Kosmachevskiy, V. , Prokopovych, I. and Zudikhin, Y. 2024. Simulation modeling of multiport DC-DC converter in MPPT solar battery controllers under neural network control . Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1(69) (Apr. 2024), 100–114. DOI:



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