Composite castings with diffusion bonds between elements




composite casting, contact processes, adhesive bonds, diffusion processes, porous cermet shells, surface reinforcement, volume reinforcement


The article is devoted to the current problem of improving foundry competitiveness. With a continuous increase in load, speed, power, tempera-ture, the influence of aggressive environments, and other factors, an adequate increase in the requirements for the operational properties of parts is observed. Composite casting allows us to obtain high-precision castings following all the requirements that apply to them. Composite casting synthesizes individual elements of a part, which can be performed by the most efficient farming methods for a given element, as well as from optimal materials, depending on the requirements for the parts. The main content of the study is the analysis and detailing of the parameters of an economical technology to produce high-precision composite castings with differentiated physical and mechanical properties of their parts and high operational reliability. Considerable attention is paid to contact processes that communicate between elements. In most cases, these are diffusion interactions determined by defects in the crystalline structure. The contact zone should be homogeneous and controllable in geometric parameters and properties in areas where complex physicochemical processes occur under unsteady thermal conditions. The characteristic features of the production of composite castings are highlighted and described, taking into account the choice of elements for each specific case, with the determination of the parameters that determine the relationship between them on specific examples of the preparation of composite castings. The results of the study confirmed stable performance, reduced costs for the manufacture of castings, metal savings (for example, up to 2 kg per cone). The results indicate a high potential of composite casting as a means of increasing the competitiveness of foundry by manufacturing high-precision castings with an increased operational reliability of cast parts.


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How to Cite

Prokopovich, I., Yasyukov, V., Lysenko, T., Voronova, O. and Tur, M. 2020. Composite castings with diffusion bonds between elements. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 2(61) (Jul. 2020), 19–30. DOI:

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