System analysis of modern areas of increasing environmental and sanitary hygienic safety of using cold hardening mixtures in foundry




ecology, binder, synthetic resins, liquid glass


Today, Ukraine is one of the most polluted with technogenic substances of the world, where in industrial regions the concentration of toxic and carcinogenic substances daily exceeds twice or more their maximum permissible concentration. The reason for this is the difficult environmental situation in Ukraine. High levels of air pollution are associated with a high content of formaldehyde, phenol, hydrogen fluoride, ammonia, as well as dust, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide. One of the sources of such substances into the environment is foundries, which use synthetic resins in their technological processes. Objective: to select the most promising areas of development of the binder material and method of manufacturing casting molds and cores from the point of view of their environmental safety and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards for casting production. In foundry shops in Ukraine, systems for capturing, utilization and processing of gases released from the cast forms, as a rule, are absent. The proportion of toxic substances (phenol, benzene, toluene, cresol, formaldehyde, ammonia, etc.) released from the forms and rods in the form of gases and condensate is 30...40 % (by weight) of all emissions from the foundry. In addition, the remnants of the resin and hardener in the waste mixture fall into the soil and groundwater, increasing the indicators of industrial pollution in Ukraine. The results of the system analysis of the influence of modern cold-hardening binder materials in the foundry industry on the environmental safety and sanitary conditions of the production of castings are presented. It is shown that the use of synthetic resins in foundries as binding materials of synthetic resins exacerbates the difficult ecological state in Ukraine. Undeniable advantages of sand-liquid mixtures are their low cost, domestic origin. The possibility of using a mixture of waste for the production of liquid glass in combination with solving the problems associated with the technology of these mixtures will allow most casting plants in Ukraine to solve the problem of environmental pollution. This will contribute to improving the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the production of casting while reducing the cost of its production. Therefore, the development of new methods of forming with the use of binders of inorganic origin, in particular, liquid glass, is an important task of the present time.


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Author Biographies

Lyudmila Solonenko, Odessа Polytechnic National University


Igor Prokopovich, Odessа Polytechnic National University

DSc, Assos. Prof.

Sergei Repyakh, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine

DSc, Prof.

Kostyantyn Sukhyy, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

DSc, Prof.


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How to Cite

Solonenko, L., Prokopovich, I., Repyakh, S., Sukhyy, K. and Dmytrenko, D. 2019. System analysis of modern areas of increasing environmental and sanitary hygienic safety of using cold hardening mixtures in foundry. Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University. 1, 1(57) (Feb. 2019), 90–98. DOI:



Chemistry. Pharmaceutical technologies. Biomedical engineering

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